warsa.precipitation.satellite.arc2 package


warsa.precipitation.satellite.arc2.download module

class ARC2AfricaBinFTP(local_dir)

Bases: warsa.precipitation.satellite.download.SatelliteBasedPrecipitationDownloadFTP

static get_datetime_from_file_name(filename)
class ARC2AfricaTifFTP(local_dir)

Bases: warsa.precipitation.satellite.download.SatelliteBasedPrecipitationDownloadFTP

static get_datetime_from_file_name(filename)

warsa.precipitation.satellite.arc2.rasterize module

class ARC2AfricaBinRasterize(product_dir, output_raster_dir, **kwargs)

Bases: warsa.precipitation.satellite.arc2.rasterize.ARC2RFE2BinRasterize

class ARC2AfricaTifRasterize(product_dir, output_raster_dir, **kwargs)

Bases: warsa.precipitation.satellite.rasterize.Rasterizer

class ARC2RFE2BinRasterize(product_dir, nx, ny, x0, y0, output_raster_dir, **kwargs)

Bases: warsa.precipitation.satellite.rasterize.Rasterizer


Overloads Rasterizer.get_raster_datasets

from ftp://ftp.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/fews/AFR_CLIM/ARC2/ARC2_readme.txt:

Files consist of binary-formated grids at a 0.1 degree resolution and one day’s temporal domain is from 0600 GMT through 0600 GMT. Spatial extent of all estimates spans 20.0W-55.0E and 40.0S-40.0N.

Daily data files are written in compressed binary data format (big endian) and consist of one record (one array) of floating point rainfall estimates in mm. For decompression, please use the gzip (gunzip) utility. Each daily array equals 751*801 elements, corresponding to 751 pixels in the x direction, and 801 pixels in the y direction. After reshaping to a 0.1 degree grid, this will yield a spatial domain of -40S to 40N in latitude, and -20W to 55E in longitude encompassing the Africa continent. Missing data is denoted as -999.0.

The center of the pixels span 20.0W-55.0E and 40.0S-40.0N. Raster left and top are 20.05W and 40.05N respectively. 0.05deg is a half pixel length. Uncompressed file size: 2406204 bytes float size = 2406204 / (751*801) = 4

Parameters:product_filename – full path name of th product file
Returns:list of tuples (output_filename, output_dataset) output_filename is obtained from the product_filename by substituting product_dir by output_raster_dir

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