
Threshold and forecast analyses for forecast-based financing (FbF)

This short term project was accomplished for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). The activities were:

  • Compilation and analysis of hydro-meteorological time series and forecast data.

  • Validation of hydro-meteorological time series for SOP development.

  • Response analysis for drought disaster and analysis of appropriate forecast strategies triggered those responses.

  • Facilitation for the establishment of a technical group envolving key governmental institutions.


Duration: Nov. 2015 to Dec. 2015

Community-based Flood Early Warning System in the Mozambican Part of the Limpopo Basin

Community-based Flood Early Warning System in the Mozambican Part of the Limpopo Basin, abbreviated to SAP-Limpopo, is a project of the SADC Water Division executed by the GIZ in Mozambique in cooperation with WARSA. It comprises five indicators:

  1. Construction and installation of a low-cost, robust telemetric hydro-meteorological network

  2. Development of a mechanism for sharing hydro-meteorological data between governmental institutions

  3. Certification of local committees of disaster management

  4. Establishment of climate resilient, smart agricultural technologies

  5. Inclusion of gender aspects for DRM oriented to local communities

The WARSA group contributed with the following products:

Thievery and vandalisms protected shelters for hydro-meteorological stations

Vandalisms and thievery compromise the functioning of monitoring networks. Non existing rural electrification and poverty together with the remote location of the stations increase their vulnerability. Furthermore, shelter construction is one of the main costs in the network implementation. This project aims at developing low cost, vandalisms and thievery protected shelters for hydro-meteorological stations.


Duration: November 2013 to September 2015

More about the shelters.

Low-cost and robust hydro-meteorological telemetric stations

Local adverse conditions pose serious problems to telemetric hydro-meteorological stations, compromising monitoring networks. Many stations in Africa were abandoned after few years operation or even have never worked. In this project we develop a new paradigma of sustainability: the partners should be capacitated to design, purchase, assembly, install and operate their stations without support of third parts. In order to make “the hard way” not so hard, the system must be simple without compromising reliability. At the same time, due to the adverse conditions, the hydro-meteorological stations must be more robust than conventional ones.

Duration: November 2013 to September 2015

More about the hydrocst.

Adaptive Methods for Morphological Assessment and Prioritization of River Development Measures (Germany)

Duration: January 2011 to January 2013

Improvement of forecasting and hydrometeorological monitoring for the Buzi and Save river basins

This project is part of the German contribution in the trilateral cooperation between Brazil, Germany, and Mozambique. The objective of the GIZ-cooperation was to improve the flood early-warning system (FEWS) in order to beneficiate the communities of the Save and Buzi River Basins. The project activites developed by WARSA were:
  1. Improvement of the information flow for the communities and local structures.

  2. Development of local producers’ capacities to use agro-meteorological information.

  3. Dissemination of alternative energy solutions for the operation of the early warning systems as well as for improvement of the performance of local committees and other local structures for DRR.

  4. Development of institutional models for the sustainability of the EWS.


Duration: April 2013 to November 2014

Analysis of warning dissemination processes, thresholds, and recipients in the Buzi River Basin

The Buzi River Basin is a flood prone region in central Mozambique. This project analyses the institutional arrangements and infrastructure of early warning dissemination in the Buzi River Basin. Based on field work, literature review, and information provided by INGC (Maputo and Beira), GIZ, INAM (Beira), and ARA-Centro, the following points are covered:

  1. Identification of focal points

  2. Information flow analysis of SIDPABB and SIDPARS

  3. Contribution to the operationalization of the warning dissemination system in the Buzi River Basin

  4. Assessment of the telecommunication and hydrometric infrastructure

  5. Establishment of alert levels

  6. Implementation of hydro-meteorological monitoring stations for flood early warning system

Flood Early Warning System in the Buzi River Basin and urban flood analysis in the Beira city

This project was part of the project Climate Change Adaptation in Beira, conducted by GIZ and IP Consult GmbH. The infrastructure of the River Basin Agency ARA-Centro as well as local conditions to install hydro-meterorolgical stations were assessed. Flood mapping and map of local drainage infrastructure of the informal settlement Chipangara in Beira were developed.

Duration: Juli 2012 to November 2012

Vulnerability Analysis and Adaptation to Climate Changes in Beira, Mozambique

In preparation

DINARIO - Climate Change, Landscape dynamics, Land use and Natural Resources in the Atlantic Forest of Rio de Janeiro

The DINARIO research project was part of the Brazilian – German co-operation program, launched by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA, Brazil) and by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, Germany). The implementing institutions of this project are the Cologne University of Applied Sciences (in cooperation with the University of Bonn), the University of Leipzig and the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena. The project was carried out in collaboration with two Brazilian institutions, the National Centre for Soil Research (EMBRAPA Solos) and the National Centre for Research of Agrobiology (EMBRAPA Agrobiologia), together with many externally involved project partners. The project addresses the objectives of methodological advancement and applicability of results in decision-making at the interface of environmental management and economic progress in the Brazilian Mata Atlântica region. The principal intentions to carry out this project are derived from the considerations of the actual causes and processes of landscape change under the influence of global change, in particular of future climate conditions.

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Executive Project for the installation of a hydrometric network for the Maputo River Basin, Mozambique

In this short term mission together with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Diniz Juizo the technical requirements for the implementation of a hydro-meteorological monitoring network in the Maputo River Basin were assessed. The study included:

  1. Assessment of existing hydro-meteorological stations

  2. Analysis and recommendation of strategies for data storage and transmission according to the existing infrastructure, costs and operational complexity.

  3. Analysis and recommendation of sensors

  4. Recommendations for data collection platforms

  5. Analysis of energy requirements

  6. Recommendations for civil construction

  7. Operational requirements

  8. Operationalization of flood forecast models

Duration: Sep. 2011 to January 2012

Intrusion of fine sediments into low mountain range creeks and associated influence on benthic invertebrate populations

The results of multi-habitat samplings in a sub-catchment of the Wupper River Basin, a tributary of the Rhine River, indicated pressures on benthic invertebrates. One of the reasons are hydraulic pressures caused by variable flow velocities due to storm water discharge and discharge from combined systems during intense rain events and reduced flow velocities during dry periods. Furthermore, assessment of habitat requirements and ecological valences of benthic invertebrates indicated fine sediment intrusion as one of the main pressures on benthic habitats, like for example feeding type

The objective of this project was to verify the assumption that fine sediments are largely responsible for invertebrate deficits and to identify the sources of fine particular organic matter. This was achieved through both emission- and immission-oriented analyses of fine sediment intrusion and its behaviour in the water bodies.

Analysis of Rain Water Treatment Potential in Separate Sewer Systems, Germany

In preparation

Biodiversity in Integrated Land-use Management for Economic and Natural System Stability in the Mata Atlantica of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (BLUMEN)

In preparation