

info(raster, **kwargs) Return raster information
get_parameters(raster) Return the raster parameters defined in this raster
driver_dictionary() Return the driver dictionary
get_driver([filename, driver_short_name]) Return a driver.


get_default_values(number_of_bands, values) Return values for bands


copy(raster[, dst_filename, driver_short_name]) Return a copy of given raster

Pixel and world coordinates

pixel_size(geo_trans) Return pixel sizes
pixel_to_world(geo_trans, x, y) Return the top-left world coordinate of the pixel
world_to_pixel(geo_trans, x, y[, np_func]) Transform world into pixel coordinates
extent_pixel_to_world(geo_trans, …) Return extent in world coordinates.
extent_world_to_pixel(geo_trans, min_x, …) Return extent in pixel coordinates
rasters_get_extent(rasters[, extent_type]) Return the extent of a list of rasters.
rasters_get_pixel_size(rasters[, minmax]) Return union or intersection of pixel sizes
get_centroid_world_coordinates(geo_trans, …) Return the raster centroid in world coordinates