Spatial reference system¶
export (srs[, fmt]) |
Export the spatial reference to a string format. |
get_srs (**kwargs) |
Return the spatial reference from given format |
srs_from_epsg (epsg) |
Return the spatial reference from EPSG GCS or PCS code |
srs_from_epsga (epsga) |
Return the spatial reference from EPSG GCS or PCS code |
srs_from_erm (proj, datum, units) |
Return the spatial reference from ERMapper projection definitions |
srs_from_esri (prj_filename) |
Return the spatial reference from ESRI .prj format(s) |
srs_from_mi_coord_sys (mapinfo) |
Return the spatial reference from Mapinfo style CoordSys |
srs_from_ozi (ozi) |
Return the spatial reference from OziExplorer projection definition |
srs_from_pci (*args) |
Return the spatial reference from PCI projection definition |
srs_from_proj4 (proj4) |
Return the spatial reference from PROJ.4 coordinate string |
srs_from_url (url) |
Return the spatial reference from a url |
srs_from_usgs (proj, zone, parameters, datum) |
Return the spatial reference from the USGS projection definition |
srs_from_wkt (wkt) |
Return the spatial reference from wkt string |
srs_from_xml (xml) |
Return the spatial reference from XML format (GML only currently). |