
class Raster(filename, member=None)


info(**kwargs) Return information on a dataset
is_compressed() Return True is the file is compressed
get_filename() Return the file name
get_rastername() Return the raster name
get_parameters() Return the raster parameters defined in the dataset
get_raster_size() Return (number of columns, number of rows)
get_nodata([band_number]) Return nodata or list of nodata
get_extent([scale]) Return the raster extent in world coordinates.

Copy and/or filter

copy([name, driver_short_name]) Return a copy of this raster


get_band_count() Return the number of bands
get_band_data_type([band_number]) Return data type or list of data types
get_band([band_number]) Return a raster band


get_array([band_number, col0, row0, n_cols, …]) Return the raster band array
param value:


get_pixel_size() Return pixel sizes (x, y): (column width, row height)
get_centroid_world_coordinates() Return the raster centroid in world coordinates
pixel_to_world(x, y) Return the top-left world coordinate of the pixel
world_to_pixel(x, y) Transform world to pixel coordinates
extent_world_to_pixel(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y) Return extent in pixel coordinates


get_coordinate_system() Return the coordinate system
get_geotransform() Return geo transform.
transform(**kwargs) Return a raster in the given coordinate system
resample(pixel_sizes[, resample_alg]) Resample the raster