
idw(xy_in, z_in, xy_out[, nnn, p]) Return the Shepard (idw) interpolation
dissolve(source, **kwargs) Dissolve features in a layers set.
intersection(source0, source1, target) Return the intersection of source0 and source1
merge(layers[, target, layers_numbers, …]) Merge features from given layers
thiessen(points, thiessen[, …]) Calculate the Voronoi diagram (or Thiessen polygons) with the given points.
get_thiessen_weights(point_shp, …[, …]) Create Thiessen weights of points in area
union_cascade(geometries_wkb[, cpus]) Union cascade of a geometries’ list It is assumed that the geometries have the same topological dimension but can be mixed collections (“MULTI”) and non-collections.