Raster band

Number of bands

from girs.rast.raster import RasterReader
from girs.rast.proc import composite
rasters = [
r0 = RasterReader(rasters[0])
r1 = composite(*rasters)
print r0.get_band_count()
print r1.get_band_count()



Band data type

get_band_data_type() works in the same way as get_nodata()

from girs.rast.raster import RasterReader
from girs.rast.proc import composite
rasters = [
r0 = RasterReader(rasters[0])
r1 = composite(*rasters)
print r0.get_band_data_type()
print r0.get_band_data_type(1)
print r0.get_band_data_type([1])
print r1.get_band_data_type()
print r1.get_band_data_type(1)
print r1.get_band_data_type([1])
print r1.get_band_data_type(2)
print r1.get_band_data_type([2])
print r1.get_band_data_type([1, 2])
print r1.get_band_data_type([2, 1])


[6, 6]
[6, 6]

Get band

get_band() returns a gdal band. If the dataset goes out of scope, the system will crash. It is recommendable to not use get_band(). Instead, retrieve from the band what you want directly using girs.

The following will crash the system, because dataset goes out of scope after returning the function my_wrong_get_band():

def my_wrong_get_band():
    from osgeo import gdal
    dataset = gdal.Open('D:/tmp/girs/chirps_basin/chirps-v2.0.2016.01.10.tif', gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
    return dataset.GetRasterBand(1)

    band = my_wrong_get_band()
array = band.ReadAsArray()  # crashes because dataset is deallocated (out of scope)

The following also crashes:

from osgeo import gdal
fn = 'D:/tmp/girs/chirps_basin/chirps-v2.0.2016.01.10.tif'
array = gdal.Open(fn, gdal.GA_ReadOnly).GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()

Also this crashes:

band = RasterReader('D:/tmp/girs/chirps_basin/chirps-v2.0.2016.01.10.tif').get_band()
array = band.ReadAsArray()

The following works: it does not return band, but what we want from the band, namely in this case the array.

from girs.rast.raster import RasterReader
array = RasterReader('D:/tmp/girs/chirps_basin/chirps-v2.0.2016.01.10.tif').get_array()


Avoid using get_band